Do-It-Yourself: Plastic Molding

Setting up my own system?

First you have to put together your mold. There are several ways this can be achieved. Many people use RTV in either poly or silicon based units to create their two part molds, by making a negative of the part you are going to copy. Take for instance the question in my comments: broken lawn darts. This casting set should likely be in three pieces to allow for easy separation of each Fletch vane. I would use the best of the darts. Oil them with WD-40 or other slippery substance that silicone would not stick to. Next smear a very liberal amount of RTV on six small pieces of quarter inch paneling board. Make sure there will not be any bubbles.

Then carefully place each wet silicone piece onto the fletch vanes, making sure that all areas of the lawn dart are covered. It would be good to mark the individual pieces now with a marker. Wait a day or so for the RTV to cure. Using a utility knife, carefully separate the individual pieces. Hindsight in my own mistakes says to make sure you have also bonded the six pieces into three with a bracing piece. This can be siliconed in place as well, but make sure that your vanes are spaced evenly. Doing this properly will help in making sure your parts align properly for the next steps.

Once you have removed the original lawn dart from the mold, use your knife to open three small weep holes on the fletching edge of each vane. Next clamp your mold pieces together in the proper order. Then using a liquified plastic solution, usually created by dissolving the proper plastic into a solution of plastic weld glue. For the thin vanes of the fletching, particulate powder can be used, but being consistent in the fletching will be next to impossible. The ideal scenario would be to use the injection method after softening the injected plastic.

With this said, metal tipped lawn darts have been banned from use in the US and Canada because of injury and death. Parts can be imported, but kits and complete units are impounded by customs. This is not something to make to sell. However, this product is like the proper handling of a handgun. Education is essential for proper use. Use common sense. Anyone participating in a lawn dart game must understand that in 1988 the Trade Commission banned them after three deaths and a seven year old boy in Indiana suffered irreparable brain damage due to the metal tipped lawn darts.

Other Ideas

You could also use a ceramic or metal form to pour your liquid or powdered plastic into then heat or let set. Now let me be clear I’m not only saying a form made from metal or ceramic. I’m saying that the form could be made of anything as long as it with stood the heat of the molding process. Scrap wood can easily be shaped by standard wood working tools and made into the negative of your part. Of course, RTV Silicone mentioned above is a decently cheap method if you do not mind the smell.

For one piece molds, there are any number of ways to vacu-form your molds, using old vacuum cleaners and ovens to soften the plastic you will use for your mold. This might be handy for making a repair piece for an old doll or action figure. It is a method used often times by the plastic modelling community for numerous parts.

The four basic types of molding (particulate, pour, vacuu-forming and injection) could be used for a long time for manufacturing.

But are you going to mass produce your project? Are you going to need a quick setting system for a more rapid production?

Injection molding alone is used for many different industries. In essence, Injection Molding is using a machine to squeeze the hot or chemically melted plastic into the mold. Injection molding mated to the particulate molding process, can speed your production considerably, as well as, as mentioned before, quite possibly making a stronger product. Keeping your equipment clean helps keep the fumes at bay as well. Stray plastic material can out gas for a long time after it has melted, and every time it is heated releases even more fumes.

I had thought that by this time I would have figured out a better system but arc heating and torch/flame heating are out of the question because of keeping the fumes to a minimum. So for now I use an array of several old soldering irons that are placed strategically around the mold to help in the even heating. However, that is a very inefficient system so I have been working on a new one that uses a small chamber and direct blown heat from that chamber.

Plastics Designed And Engineered For Use In Medical Equipment

Where would the world be without plastics. The high molecular density and malleable material has so many applications that it would be impossible to imagine the world without them. Touching our everyday life from food and beverage packaging, packaging in general including disposable bags to panels in our motor cars and quite a few parts of spacecraft are molded and then machined from plastics.

There are a myriad different grades of polymer that make up the plastics we use today, from poly carbonates and High density polyethylene (HDPE) to Polyethylene

Terephthalate (PET) and poly propylenes and so on. Each of which have distinct properties and when a product is being designed the type and grade will be selected for the most desirable of qualities.

A medical device engineer will know all of this because in the medical field plastics have thousands of uses. From simple vacuum sealed bags for sterile gloves, dressings and instruments and syringes, to the material used in contact lenses, to the use of fiber optic cables and probes to prostheses. And these are just some applications, obviously the control panels and housing of most medical machines are made in part, if not completely, with plastic of some type or another.

In the design , production and application of plastics for medical applications there are few to rival this medical device design company . Medical device in San Diego compete is a very specific market, they are aware of the regulations imposed by the FDA and the fact that is they make errors and sterile equipment gets contaminated or the contact lenses either break down or change shape the consequences could be dire.

Eric R Larson is a world renowned plastics engineers and helps medical device design companies converting concepts into realities by series of interventions and specific tasks undertaken to determine the best plastic for this application considering all factors , strengths and tolerances required. Then determining the method to be used. (Pressure Molding, Blow molding, extrusion and so on) and then will assist with the design of the tooling for the machinery required to manufacture and produce the item concerned, whether it is to be a huge production run or just a few limited items.

On the Plasticsguy Blog is a series of simple and straightforward articles written by Eric R Larson which discusses in fairly non technical language the properties of a huge range of the plastics in current uses and in use in the medical industry.

For example the section on Polycarbonate is sub headed “the king of all things clear” and continues with” Polycarbonate is an amorphous thermoplastic with a fantastic balance of properties. It is stiff, strong, has good ductility and exceptional impact resistance” and discusses its use in such things as the canopies of fighter jets.

The blog is a work in progress there is a lot of detail already there demonstrating his in depth knowledge and expertise.

Thus all medical device companies in San Diego are encouraged to visit his blog and read his discussions on the various types of plastics and the applications they can be used for.

Author’s Bio: 

Plastics Guy is the blog of Eric R Larson full of useful data concerning plastics and their properties

Plastic Manufacturing Color Process Automation – Plastic Manufacturing Color Control

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World’s first 3D printer in space will launch this month

The first 3D printer ever to fly in space will blast off this month, and NASA has high hopes for the innovative device’s test runs on the International Space Station.

The 3D printer, which is scheduled to launch toward the orbiting lab Sept. 19 aboard SpaceX’s unmanned Dragon cargo capsule, could help lay the foundation for broader in-space manufacturing capabilities, NASA officials said. The end result could be far less reliance on resupply from Earth, leading to cheaper and more efficient missions to faraway destinations such as Mars.

“The on-demand capability can revolutionize the constrained supply chain model we are limited to today and will be critical for exploration missions,” Niki Werkheiser, manager of NASA’s “3-D Printing in Zero-G” project at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, said in a statement. [3D Printing in Space (Photo Gallery)]

3D Printing in Zero-G is a collaboration between NASA and California-based startup Made in Space, which built the machine that’s heading to the space station this month. The microwave-size 3D printer was cleared for flight in April after an extensive series of tests at Marshall.

3D printers build objects layer by layer out of metal, plastic, composites and other materials, using a technique called extrusion additive manufacturing. NASA hopes Made in Space’s device works normally aboard the station, thus demonstrating that 3D printers can produce high-quality parts in space as well as on Earth.

If that turns out to be the case, replacing a broken part or tool aboard the orbiting lab could be a matter of simply pushing a button.

“I remember when the tip broke off a tool during a mission,” said NASA astronaut T.J. Creamer, who lived aboard the space station from December 2009 to June 2010. “I had to wait for the next shuttle to come up to bring me a new one. Now, rather than wait for a resupply ship to bring me a new tool, in the future, I could just print it.”

It will likely take the 3D printer from 15 minutes to an hour to print something aboard the space station, depending on the size and complexity of the object, researchers said. Blueprints for desired parts can be loaded onto the machine before launch or beamed up from the ground.

“This means that we could go from having a part designed on the ground to printed in orbit within an hour or two from start to finish,” Werkheiser said.

While the space station is the proving ground for this test, NASA officials see great potential for 3D printing beyond low-Earth orbit. For example, deep-space missions could benefit greatly from the technology, because it would be tough to ferry a spare part to a vessel already on its way to an asteroid or Mars.

“NASA is great at planning for component failures and contingencies. However, there’s always the potential for unknown scenarios that you couldn’t possibly think of ahead of time,” said Ken Cooper, principal investigator at Marshall for 3D printing. “That’s where a 3D printer in space can pay off. While the first experiment is designed to test the 3D printing process in microgravity, it is the first step in sustaining longer missions beyond low-Earth orbit.”

Business Ideas for Plastic Injection Moulding In Perth

To start a small plastic injection moulding business all you will need is, moulding equipment and a small premise from where you can operate. Or you can outsource plastic components from a company and become a wholesale supplier of specialized plastic articles or a distributor of plastic parts. A business in plastic injection moulding in Perth is sure to fetch you good returns right from the start as it can give you plenty of opportunities to tie up with other industries for which you can manufacture and supply a whole lot of plastic articles and components.

Tips for Buying Plastic Injection Equipment

With a simple moulding machine, you can have a great business. However, your business can remain consistent in earning good profits only if you have the ability to produce large volumes consistently for timely deliveries of orders you receive. The major responsibility of production will depend upon the kind of equipment you install. Therefore, when purchasing plastic injection moulding in Melbourne, make sure that the machinery is industry certified and holds a valid quality check certification. It should have also passed all the safety standards set by the industry. The company from where you purchase the machine Plastic Extrusion should offer sufficient support such as installation, training and maintenance.

Outsourcing Moulding Services

If your business focus is not manufacturing but only supply and distribution or direct sales, you can outsource your products from a good company that is known for services involving plastic injection moulding in Perth. Outsourcing moulding services works best when you do not have enough space to install your own machinery or when you want plastic articles of different shapes and sizes in very large volumes. Also, outsourcing the products from experts will guarantee high quality finish, exact specifications, complex designs and timely deliver. For you it means reduced labour and overheads and less stress.

What Type Of Plastic Products Can Be Outsourced

Plastic is a very flexible material that is used in different ways. You will notice this material being used in almost everything that you use in your daily life. From your cars to electrical accessories, electronic gadgets, kitchen accessories, furnishings, fashion accessories, shopping bags, stationery items and more, plastic is used in almost everything. Therefore, there will always be a demand for items such as plastic chairs, tables, stools, bottles, boxes, trays, car dashboards, gears, mats, hair brushes, plastic mobile cases, covers, folders, etc. Depending upon your business interest you can outsource any of these products from a good company specializing in plastic injection moulding in Melbourne.

Pro-Athletes Turn to Controversial Blood Injections for Chronic Pain Relief

Tracy McGrady was one of the best basketball players in the world, a seven-time All-Star forward and a scoring machine, until he suffered a devastating knee injury in 2008.

When McGrady returned to the game after two operations on his left knee, he was a shadow of the player he had been before.

“It was tough to deal with because at one minute, you’re playing so well, you know, on top of your game, the next minute, you’re not even valuable no more,” he said. “Where do I go from here?”

McGrady went to Germany.

The basketball star met with Dr. Peter Wehling, an orthopedics and sports medicine physician in Düsseldorf. Wehling discovered a new way to treat knee injuries, back pain and osteoarthritis with a controversial new treatment virtually unknown in the United States and not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. It’s called Regenokine injections.

“It’s a combination of proteins that attacks, in a very specific way, inflammation and pain and destruction of tissue,” Wehling said.

Regenokine’s key ingredient is the patient’s own blood. Wehling explained that he uses a machine to extract the body’s natural anti-inflammatory proteins called “InteRleukin 1-Receptor Antagonist” or “IL1-RA” proteins. Those proteins, which essentially block the inflammation receptors, are then re-injected into the injury site.

“The re-injecting [of proteins] causes a stop of inflammation,” Wehling said. “You have an improvement in function and a significant decrease in pain.”

Wehling said Regenokine injections are effective for two to four years, and sometimes longer.

McGrady had the treatment on his bad knee in the summer 2010, and about a week after the procedure, he said he could feel the difference.

“Not only did it feel stronger, less pain,” McGrady said. “Sure enough, it felt better…since the time I hurt my knee, it’s the best I’ve ever felt.”

McGrady said he played this season with the Atlanta Hawks pain-free, and he is just one of a number of pro athletes who have undergone the Regenokine treatment for various chronic pain ailments with success.

Golfer Fred Couples had the treatment after crippling back pain almost forced him to retire. Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez had it last December to treat a nagging knee and shoulder injury, and now the baseball star said he feels great.

And Kobe Bryant said the Regenokine treatment did wonders for his damaged knee. He is returning to Germany this summer for further treatment.

Naturally, professional athletes have a powerful incentive to seek the best medical treatment in world because they want to keep playing. Unintentionally, these athletes have become the vanguard, the guinea pigs, some would say, in testing cutting-edge and experimental therapies for chronic pain.

“I think elite athletes push us,” said Dr. Allan Mishra, an orthopedic surgeon and a member of the medical faculty of Stanford University. “They’re leaders. They’re pioneers. Frankly, they have the desire and means to seek out novel treatments. They do drive us to a better understanding of how they work.”

Of course, it isn’t just pro athletes who are hobbled by bad knees or aching backs. According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, an estimated 26 million Americans live with the agony of chronic back pain, and millions more suffer from osteoarthritis and knee injuries.

But Regenokine treatment is expensive. It starts at around $5,000 and can easily run into tens of thousands of dollars. Wehling said its success rate is estimated at around 70 percent.

But Regenokine is not without controversy and some skepticism from medical professionals in the U.S. While many American orthopedic surgeons “Nightline” spoke to called the treatment “promising,” others said that not nearly enough clinical studies have been done on the treatment in this country to assess its effects and possible side effects.

Dr. Rick Delamarter, a spinal surgeon and vice chair of surgery at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, was leery of Regenokine because there are still too many unanswered questions.

“I always look at it, regardless of the treatment, would I use this on my own mother, would I use it on my brother, my sister,” Delamarter said. “And I do want to see more long-term information: Does this give effects five, 10 years down the line? How successful is it? How long does it last? Not only is it what I want to see but the FDA is going to require those things.”

The FDA declined to comment on this story and their ultimate ruling on Regenokine could take years. But even without FDA approval, there are now a handful of American doctors in L.A. and New York City, who are using Regenokine “off label,” which is legal.

Dr. Christopher Renna, a preventive medicine specialist in Santa Monica, Calif., worked with Wehling to create the Regenokine Treatment Program, which incorporates lifestyle changes, and was the first to offer the Regenokine treatment in the United States. The two doctors also co-wrote a book called “The End of Pain” about the benefits of Regenokine.

Dr. Edward Capla and Dr. Doug Schottenstein, both with New York SportsMed in New York City, began administering the treatment last year. Capla treated McGrady for back pain during this year’s All-Star game break in February.

Nonetheless, Tracy McGrady said Regenokine kept him on the court.

“Had I not done that procedure, there’s no way I would have continued playing in the NBA,” he said. “There’s no way.”

Amazingly Versatile Uses of Calcium Carbonate

Did You Know? The world’s oldest structure is made of calcium carbonate. Khufu’s Pyramid, also known as the ‘Great Pyramid’ consists of 2.5 million limestone blocks (each weighing an average of 2.5 tons).

Calcium carbonate is a chemical compound, represented by the chemical formula CaCO3. It is estimated that about 4 percent of the Earth’s crust is made up of calcium carbonate. It is found naturally in the form of minerals and rocks, some of which include calcite, limestone, chalk, marble, and aragonite. Minerals and rocks dispense calcium carbonate in natural water sources, resulting in hard water. In fact, calcium carbonate is the main cause of water hardness. It is also a major constituent compound of the shells and skeletons of animals. Above 20% of the world’s sedimentary rocks are made of limestone or chalk. The very well-known coral reefs are made of calcium carbonate secreted by corals.

Calcium carbonate is used in many ways, either in its naturally occurring state or pure form. Pure calcium carbonate is extracted from natural sources by various techniques like mining and quarrying. The constituent elements and chemical properties of calcium carbonate make it a favorable substance for use in many industries. Let’s discuss the uses of calcium carbonate.

Health Benefits

? Calcium supplements that contain calcium carbonate are prescribed by doctors as a remedy for diarrhea or as an antacid.

? A combination of calcium carbonate and magnesium helps to reduce diarrhea among people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

? It has gastric antacid qualities and is used as a medication for symptoms like heartburn and stomach upset caused by acidity.

? It is also used to treat GERD and Peptic ulcers.

? It is used as a dietary supplement as it is rich in calcium, and can be of help in the treatment of hyperphosphatemia.

? Calcium supplements (in the form of calcium carbonate) are effective in treating certain ailments related to calcium deficiency like bone loss and osteoporosis.

? Calcium supplements help control high blood pressure during pregnancy.

? They are used in managing premenstrual syndrome symptoms.

? It helps maintain the overall pH balance of the body.

Application in Industries

? Calcium carbonate is used in the purification and separation of iron from its ore.

? It is often used in swimming pools for maintaining the alkalinity of water and countervailing acidic properties of the disinfectant.

? As it is heavy, calcium carbonate increases the density of drilling fluids and helps in controlling the down hole pressure. Hence it is widely used in the oil industry. It is also added to drilling fluids as a formation bridging and filter-cake sealing agent.

? Calcium carbonate is also used in industries like paint, plastic, rubber, ceramic, cement, glass, steel, oil refining, and in biorock creation for mariculture of sea organisms.

? The decomposition of calcium carbonate gives carbon dioxide and lime, which is of use in the glass, steel, and paper industries.

? Calcium carbonate is the most preferred mineral in the paper industry, used for filling and coating paper.

? It is used as a filler in sealants and adhesives. Calcium carbonate is also used in the production of mortar which is utilized for making concrete blocks, bonding bricks, rubber compounds, tiles, etc.

? Calcium carbonate is used in the construction of buildings, roads, and other engineering works. It is used in the construction industry as a building material as well as a component of cement.

? It is also used in the production of baking powder, dry-mix dessert mixes, dough, wine, etc., and as a part of animal feed.

? Calcium carbonate crystals (calcite) have a double refraction property due to which they find applications in optics.

? In case of whitewashing, calcium hydroxide reacts with carbon dioxide in air to form calcium carbonate, which forms a thin layer on the walls, giving them a gloss.

? About 10 -20% calcium carbonate is present in printing and writing papers. It is used to replace kaolin in the manufacture of glossy paper. It is also used to make acid-free paper.

Uses in Agriculture

? Calcium carbonate is a primary component of garden lime, also known as agricultural lime, which is used for neutralizing acidic soil and to enhance soil quality.

? Garden lime when added to soil, acts as a rich source of calcium for plants and increases the pH and water-retaining capacity of acidic soils.

? It is a rich source of calcium, and is beneficial for the crops. Also, it enhances the consumption of essential plant nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in acidic soils.

Environmental Uses

? An experiment conducted by Ken Simmons has proved that calcium carbonate helps neutralize the effects of harmful acid rains in a river water ecosystem.

? Ground calcium carbonate (GCC) acts as a reagent in flue-gas desulfurization applications by eliminating sulfur dioxide emissions from coal and other fossil fuels.

? It also helps neutralize acidic water from the mines and in the treatment of drinking as well as waste water.

Other Uses

? The paste of calcium carbonate and deionized water is used to clean the tarnish on silver.

? It is a food additive (designated E170) and bears the INS number 170. It is also used as a food preservative. Calcium carbonate is also utilized as a color retainer for organic apples and other foods. It acts like a firming agent for many canned or bottled vegetable products.

? It is used as an anti-caking agent, acidity regulator, and stabilizer in USA, Australia, EU, and New Zealand. It is also used in soy milk and almond milk as a source of calcium.

? It is used as blackboard chalk. Finely ground calcium carbonate (GCC) is used for the preparation of microporous films in baby diapers.

? Calcium carbonate is used in homeopathy, in the production of toothpaste, and as an inert substance in tablets.

Thus, calcium carbonate has several applications in various fields spanning from diet to pharmaceuticals, and from agriculture to construction.

Amazingly Versatile Uses of Calcium Carbonate

Did You Know? The world’s oldest structure is made of calcium carbonate. Khufu’s Pyramid, also known as the ‘Great Pyramid’ consists of 2.5 million limestone blocks (each weighing an average of 2.5 tons).

Calcium carbonate is a chemical compound, represented by the chemical formula CaCO3. It is estimated that about 4 percent of the Earth’s crust is made up of calcium carbonate. It is found naturally in the form of minerals and rocks, some of which include calcite, limestone, chalk, marble, and aragonite. Minerals and rocks dispense calcium carbonate in natural water sources, resulting in hard water. In fact, calcium carbonate is the main cause of water hardness. It is also a major constituent compound of the shells and skeletons of animals. Above 20% of the world’s sedimentary rocks are made of limestone or chalk. The very well-known coral reefs are made of calcium carbonate secreted by corals.

Calcium carbonate is used in many ways, either in its naturally occurring state or pure form. Pure calcium carbonate is extracted from natural sources by various techniques like mining and quarrying. The constituent elements and chemical properties of calcium carbonate make it a favorable substance for use in many industries. Let’s discuss the uses of calcium carbonate.

Health Benefits

? Calcium supplements that contain calcium carbonate are prescribed by doctors as a remedy for diarrhea or as an antacid.

? A combination of calcium carbonate and magnesium helps to reduce diarrhea among people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

? It has gastric antacid qualities and is used as a medication for symptoms like heartburn and stomach upset caused by acidity.

? It is also used to treat GERD and Peptic ulcers.

? It is used as a dietary supplement as it is rich in calcium, and can be of help in the treatment of hyperphosphatemia.

? Calcium supplements (in the form of calcium carbonate) are effective in treating certain ailments related to calcium deficiency like bone loss and osteoporosis.

? Calcium supplements help control high blood pressure during pregnancy.

? They are used in managing premenstrual syndrome symptoms.

? It helps maintain the overall pH balance of the body.

Application in Industries

? Calcium carbonate is used in the purification and separation of iron from its ore.

? It is often used in swimming pools for maintaining the alkalinity of water and countervailing acidic properties of the disinfectant.

? As it is heavy, calcium carbonate increases the density of drilling fluids and helps in controlling the down hole pressure. Hence it is widely used in the oil industry. It is also added to drilling fluids as a formation bridging and filter-cake sealing agent.

? Calcium carbonate is also used in industries like paint, plastic, rubber, ceramic, cement, glass, steel, oil refining, and in biorock creation for mariculture of sea organisms.

? The decomposition of calcium carbonate gives carbon dioxide and lime, which is of use in the glass, steel, and paper industries.

? Calcium carbonate is the most preferred mineral in the paper industry, used for filling and coating paper.

? It is used as a filler in sealants and adhesives. Calcium carbonate is also used in the production of mortar which is utilized for making concrete blocks, bonding bricks, rubber compounds, tiles, etc.

? Calcium carbonate is used in the construction of buildings, roads, and other engineering works. It is used in the construction industry as a building material as well as a component of cement.

? It is also used in the production of baking powder, dry-mix dessert mixes, dough, wine, etc., and as a part of animal feed.

? Calcium carbonate crystals (calcite) have a double refraction property due to which they find applications in optics.

? In case of whitewashing, calcium hydroxide reacts with carbon dioxide in air to form calcium carbonate, which forms a thin layer on the walls, giving them a gloss.

? About 10 -20% calcium carbonate is present in printing and writing papers. It is used to replace kaolin in the manufacture of glossy paper. It is also used to make acid-free paper.

Uses in Agriculture

? Calcium carbonate is a primary component of garden lime, also known as agricultural lime, which is used for neutralizing acidic soil and to enhance soil quality.

? Garden lime when added to soil, acts as a rich source of calcium for plants and increases the pH and water-retaining capacity of acidic soils.

? It is a rich source of calcium, and is beneficial for the crops. Also, it enhances the consumption of essential plant nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in acidic soils.

Environmental Uses

? An experiment conducted by Ken Simmons has proved that calcium carbonate helps neutralize the effects of harmful acid rains in a river water ecosystem.

? Ground calcium carbonate (GCC) acts as a reagent in flue-gas desulfurization applications by eliminating sulfur dioxide emissions from coal and other fossil fuels.

? It also helps neutralize acidic water from the mines and in the treatment of drinking as well as waste water.

Other Uses

? The paste of calcium carbonate and deionized water is used to clean the tarnish on silver.

? It is a food additive (designated E170) and bears the INS number 170. It is also used as a food preservative. Calcium carbonate is also utilized as a color retainer for organic apples and other foods. It acts like a firming agent for many canned or bottled vegetable products.

? It is used as an anti-caking agent, acidity regulator, and stabilizer in USA, Australia, EU, and New Zealand. It is also used in soy milk and almond milk as a source of calcium.

? It is used as blackboard chalk. Finely ground calcium carbonate (GCC) is used for the preparation of microporous films in baby diapers.

? Calcium carbonate is used in homeopathy, in the production of toothpaste, and as an inert substance in tablets.

Thus, calcium carbonate has several applications in various fields spanning from diet to pharmaceuticals, and from agriculture to construction.

Global Manufacturing

And development may use plastic parts and even raw plastic resins in the manufacture of their merchandise. Over jacketing extrusion permits for the application of an outer layer of plastic onto an present wire or cable. Producing the actual extruded plastic form might be thought of the ‘straightforward half’ of the entire extrusion course of. The thermoplastics are melted and deposited by an extrusion head, which follows a software-path outlined by the CAD file.

For use in pharmaceutical products, extrusion by means of nano-porous, polymeric filters is getting used to supply suspensions of lipid vesicles liposomes or transfersomes with a particular measurement of a slim measurement distribution The anti-most cancers drug Doxorubicin in liposome delivery system is formulated by extrusion, for instance.

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Fdm Or Fused Deposition Modeling And Fdm Prototyping

FDM or Fused Deposition Modeling is said to be one type of a free-form fabrication technologies being developed Stratasys Inc. As this technology utilizes high force ABC plastic it is one of the most preferred technologies for prototyping plastic parts which require force. The Fused Deposition Modeling is a method of layered manufacturing which extrudes a very thin drop of plastic, just one layer at a time. A string of plastic is supplied into an extrusion cranium where this string is heated into a state of semi-liquid form and then extruded via a very tiny passage onto the other layer of the substance. Support substance is even being laid down in the same method.

How it Works? FDM is also said to be a solid based rapid prototype method which extrudes substances to build a model layer by layer. FDM is also the second most extensively utilized technology of rapid prototyping after SLA or Stereolithography. Actually, a plastic string is being released from a coil and then provides substances to an extrusion syringe. This syringe is then heated to melt the stored plastic it also has a mechanism that allows the flow of the melted plastic to turn on and off when required. This syringe is later mounted to a mechanical phase that can be shifted both in vertical and horizontal directions.

As the syringe is shifted over the desk in the much needed calculations it drops a thin drop of extruded plastic to create a single layer. This plastic later hardens immediately after being squeezed from the syringe and merges to the lower layer. This complete procedure continues within a chamber that is held at a temperature which is below the plastics melting point.

Advantages and Disadvantages: One of the main advantages of utilizing the method of FDM is the durable parts which can be made by using waxes and few other engineering plastics. One of the main drawbacks of utilizing the method of FDM is that these parts normally take longer time to create and the layering is undoubtedly noticeable because of the process of extrusion.

By: Ryan Rounder

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